Considering that quantum physics now views atoms as some kind of wave construct (a variety of static wave), it seems reasonable to use the same tools used in optics to manipulate them. In fact, viewed this way, matter, photons/light, and electromagnetic waves seem headed in the direction of being the same standing wave construct propagated in different media. It also opens the door to a myriad of unorthodox ways of handling these waves as well.
It should be just as possible to handle these waves using the tools created for other classes of waves. For example, it would be conceivable to use what is called a comb filter, in the field of radio, and apply that to do something like filter everything out of water that is not H2O. Or filter H2O to produce hydrogen. What you could produce using a lens, I'm not all sure, but it should be an interesting experiment! And how about using a 'tuner' to release and refine gold out of gold ore? The possibilities are huge and wide open. A plant 'tuning' hydrogen, then burning it could replace coal and nuclear power plants and producing pure water for human use.
My biggest hope is that someone, somewhere will read these crazy theories of mine and attempt to find out if it's more than a dream. The number of human problems that could be solved seems to me to make such research a higher priority than a lot of other things being studied today.
In the long run, such filters and tuners could open the door to the universe.
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