This is going to fairly quick. As time has passed, I find working on a phone screen keyboard less and less exciting, no matter the screen size.
Einstein had his theory of a space-time full of dents of various degrees and used that to demonstrate the effects of gravity. Despite the fact that nobody has been able to detect gravity by any means other than "Hey look! We're floating (or screaming) towards that big thing over there!". His model was a rubber sheet with dents: the more massive an object, the bigger the dent. And this presents a BIG problem - what happens when you try to deal with 3D objects in a 2D model?
Generally, it goes flooey. Example: things in orbit around Earth. Ask any high-school kid and he'll say that gravity (i.e. the dent) forces the object to follow the contour of the dent. Let me ask this: WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE OBJECT IS IN AN ORBIT 90 DEGREES PERPENDICULAR TO ANOTHER OBJECT IN ORBIT?
Did we just create another sheet of space at 90 degrees to the original orbital ecliptic? Did we just invent another 3 dimensions? I'd really like to know.
In the meantime, perhaps we'd better call it Einstein's Special Limited View Gravity Theory.
More when I get so upset I ignore the keyboard.